
  • Дмитро Кепін National Museum of Natural History of NAS of Ukraine


In this article methodological approaches to preservation and exhibition of geological and archaeological monuments of Paleolith, Mesolith, Neolith, Bronze Age, which were investigated in natural cavities (caves, grottos, rock hovels, etc.) on the Crimean Peninsula the next half XX–XXI centuries, are discussed. The peculiarities in the creation of the preserves shown take into consideration the specific nature of speleological-archaeological monuments. Following the Primitive Age, monuments usage in museum tourism must be considered. The article deals with methodological approaches of creating “archeodroms”, which disclose achievements of speleo-archaeology in studying Palaeolithic monuments’ on the territory of Ukraine. Recommendations are given as to the improving of the museum usage of Stone Age monuments which are in natural cavities. Scientific concept of the theme-based exhibitions “Cave as dwelling living site. The origins of house-building” has been proposed for the Crimean Republic institution “Central museum of Taurida” (the City of Simferopol, Autonomous Republic of the Crimea, Ukraine).

Keywords: geosite (geological monument), speleo-archaeology, Primitive Age, museumification, Autonomous Republic of the Crimea

Author Biography

Дмитро Кепін, National Museum of Natural History of NAS of Ukraine

candidat of Science in History Junior researcher of the Department of Museology and scientific-technical information National Museum of Natural History of NAS of Ukraine (Kyiv,Ukraine)



How to Cite

Кепін, Д. (2017). ТHE PRESARVATION OF CRIMEAN PALEONATURE AND ARCHEOLOGICAL HERITAGE. Scientific Bulletin of the National Museum of Ukrainian History, (2), 384-389. Retrieved from https://visnyk.nmiu.org/index.php/nv/article/view/161