
  • Олена Мокроусова Kiev scientific and methodological center for the protection, restoration and using the historical, cultural and protected areas


The questions surrounding museum architecture history in Kiev have not received enough attention. Today the urgency surrounding these questions grows as plans are created for the construction of several new museums and renovations to address the existing problems in some of the poorly restored buildings. Most of Kyiv modern museums were founded during the Soviet Era or during the time of Ukrainian independence. Around the turn of the twentieth century, there were very few museums in the city. Moreover, most of the museums did not have their own buildings, but rather they were housed in rented locations. During this period, only two museums were constructed: the State Museum for Antiquities and Arts and the Pedagogical Museum. However, there were a few other museums which tried to procure a new location. A similar attempt happened during the creation of the Military Museum thanks to the initiate of Anosov, Kyiv fortress commandant. However, still very little is known about this first stage of the museum’s history. For the specific museum specializing on propaganda for peasants, it was planned to adapt the ancient monuments of religious architecture of late XVII cent. – The Military Nicholas Cathedral in Pechersk. Unfortunately, the idea was not implemented. Rather it became an interesting example of a possible combination of the ancient religious architecture and educational museum functions. Occasionally, some exhibits got started collecting and demonstrating, but the museum did not begin its work. In the 1908–1909 Kyiv Military and Historical Society created its own Museum. The organizers approached to the formation of the collections more professionally. However, the question of its building was also found very difficult. The museum could not get it.

Keywords: Kyiv, Pechersk, Military Museum, Military Nicholas Cathedral, refectory, construction, A. Anosov

Author Biography

Олена Мокроусова, Kiev scientific and methodological center for the protection, restoration and using the historical, cultural and protected areas

PhD, the chief expert of the Kiev scientific and methodological center for the protection, restoration and using the historical, cultural and protected areas (Kyiv, Ukraine)



How to Cite

Мокроусова, О. (2017). THE HISTORY OF KYIV MILITARY MUSEUM CREATION. Scientific Bulletin of the National Museum of Ukrainian History, (2), 254-261. Retrieved from